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Basic principle of every production process is the quality control. The best quality standard can only be assured through severe control.
We produce 24 hours a day and every workshift is attended by skilled quality control staff that test the production.
Our controls are made on every piece thanks to special instruments.
In the radioscopy cabin we do X-ray tests on castings.
Quality control data are gathered, processed, filed and placed at clients' disposal by a specific software that calculates critical and functional levels through SPC systems.
The advanced technologies, the aim for quality in every phase of production, the meticulous control of products allowed PRESS2000 to obtain certifications such as UNI EN ISO 9001/2002, important acknowledgements that confirm the first aim of PRESS2000, namely to offer unquestioned quality products to the client.
sincert certification
copyright 2005 www.press2000.it
via Europa, 33 - 25040 Monticelli Brusati (BS) - Tel. 030.6850271 - Fax 030.6548385